Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form.

brainpop solar system transcript

It's so tilted that it looks like its lying on its side! An image shows a night sky and stars through a pair of binoculars. TIM: Thats where the solar wind gets stopped in its tracks by particles from the rest of outer space! In the animation, an insert shows a close-up of the red spot. An image of an astronaut walking on the moon is displayed on the screen, and then an image of a spacecraft against a night sky is added to the right of it. The animation zooms in to Venus' surface. The rings are a thin layer of millions of chunks of ice and rock. TIM: Saturn is another gas giant, about 100 times more massive than Earth. Tim addresses Moby while turning his head to look at him. An image shows chunks of material orbiting in the Kuiper Belt. (, Look at the four related movies at the bottom of the page. Well, the solar system is our home in the galaxy. An image of the Oort cloud is shown again. It makes an intermittent beeping sound that fades as the spacecraft moves farther and farther away. When it gets close to the sun, the dust and ice form long, wispy tails that you can sometimes see from Earth. "},"flag":{"type":"flag","instructions":"Create a flag that represents the solar system. Its atmosphere is filled with carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas. An animation shows the sun and then zooms out to show the sun in the center with other planets around it. Please enable JavaScript on your browser. TIM: For a while, Pluto was thought to be the missing planet. You probably know Saturn by its amazing set of rings. The first were discovered hundreds of years ago by Galileo Galilei. As each condition is mentioned, four inserts show different parts of Earth: an ocean; buildings amongst trees; people; and animals. In one of these areas, there is a large red spot. The heliopause is shown as a dark orange semicircle to the left of the termination shock with a bigger radius than the circle that represents the termination shock. Far out from the sun is Earth, where we live. Venus is almost the same size as Earth; its sometimes called Earth's sister planet. In the animation, Moby falls down onto the grass with a big "Clunk!" Each is depicted with rings of different sizes. ","What is the Sun? Explain how each is connected to the Solar System topic. Watch it again, this time using the discussion prompts. An animation shows Venus, with gassy yellow and orange swirls covering its surface. The history of the solar system is long but fascinating\u2014and it probably started with a bang! Atoms began fusing together in a nuclear reaction that continues to this day. An animation shows the sun, then pulls back to show the eight planets orbiting around it. Standard and Scientific Notation/Transcript, Adding and Subtracting Fractions/Transcript, Adding and Subtracting Integers/Transcript, American Revolution/Second Remake Transcript, Antonyms, Synonyms, and Homonyms/Transcript, Branches of Government/Transcript (New Version), Branches of Government/Transcript (Old Version), Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka/Transcript, Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka/Transcript (Update), Building the Thirteen Colonies/Transcript, Causes of the American Revolution/Transcript, Civil Rights/Transcript (Updated Version). An animation shows Tim peering into a telescope pointed at the night sky. Another animation shows the orbits of the each planet, as well as Pluto's. Some astronomers think a huge collision in its early days might have done that. Your friend, Charlotte. It was named after the Roman god of the sea maybe because it's so blue! An animation shows gas suspended in the starry universe. It forms a distant ring around the solar system. Text reads: Oort cloud. Tim and Moby discuss the pros and cons. "]},"pop_a_joke":{"joke_text_1":"What did Earth say to Saturn? It became the sun, and its energy pushed away any nearby gas. Text reads: The Mysteries of Life with Tim and Moby. Another yellow arrow labeled interstellar wind is added to extend from the Oort cloud to the line labeled heliopause.. ","joke_text_2":"Give me a ring sometime! ","alignment_guid":null},{"EntryID":"298","name":"Time Zone X: Mars","url":"\/games\/timezonexmars\/","type":"timezonex","alignments_description":"","alignment_guid":null},{"EntryID":"554","name":"Time Zone X: Mercury","url":"\/games\/timezonexmercury\/","type":"timezonex","alignments_description":"","alignment_guid":"0668AC24-2F56-11E9-9FC9-CEFF6CCC982B"},{"EntryID":"299","name":"Time Zone X: Galileo Galilei","url":"\/games\/timezonexgalileogalilei\/","type":"timezonex","alignments_description":"","alignment_guid":"2A662CC8-2F56-11E9-BAFC-E4056D23C85C"},{"EntryID":"555","name":"Time Zone X: Venus","url":"\/games\/timezonexvenus\/","type":"timezonex","alignments_description":"","alignment_guid":"3103C072-2F56-11E9-A37E-D4E343040C2D"},{"EntryID":"556","name":"Time Zone X: Pluto","url":"\/games\/timezonexpluto\/","type":"timezonex","alignments_description":"","alignment_guid":"CC7CB9D2-2F51-11E9-966F-B39AC3583E9A"},{"EntryID":"312","name":"Time Zone X: Moon","url":"\/games\/timezonexmoon\/","type":"timezonex","alignments_description":"","alignment_guid":"83C67F96-2F4E-11E9-A5B0-A570F9F3F65B"},{"EntryID":"568","name":"Time Zone X: Solar System","url":"\/games\/timezonexsolarsystem\/","type":"timezonex","alignments_description":"","alignment_guid":"9B2B83DE-2F4E-11E9-B951-FB17784B80DE"},{"EntryID":"314","name":"Time Zone X: Jupiter","url":"\/games\/timezonexjupiter\/","type":"timezonex","alignments_description":"","alignment_guid":"71C0DA80-2F4E-11E9-B928-E04C0573EC52"},{"EntryID":"315","name":"Time Zone X: Comets","url":"\/games\/timezonexcomets\/","type":"timezonex","alignments_description":"","alignment_guid":"D00AB04A-2F56-11E9-A730-DE0F46AC40DD"},{"EntryID":"580","name":"Time Zone X: Outer Solar System","url":"\/games\/timezonexoutersolarsystem\/","type":"timezonex","alignments_description":"","alignment_guid":"7BB891DE-2F5A-11E9-B582-925D16AD1D34"},{"EntryID":"585","name":"Time Zone X: Earth","url":"\/games\/timezonexearth\/","type":"timezonex","alignments_description":"","alignment_guid":"3798AC2C-2F56-11E9-BF28-F3251781C3FF"},{"EntryID":"635","name":"Time Zone X: Copernicus","url":"\/games\/timezonexcopernicus\/","type":"timezonex","alignments_description":"","alignment_guid":"AF57F738-2F72-11E9-84CA-B0D71746A6F7"},{"EntryID":"714","name":"The Meaning of Beep: Mars","url":"\/games\/mobmars\/","type":"meaningofbeep","alignments_description":"","alignment_guid":"7B5AA63E-2F4E-11E9-BD13-B45103365D45"}],"sortify_games":[],"features":[{"type":"quiz","feature_id":"12747","name":"Quiz","feature_name":"Quiz","alignments_description":"","alignment_guid":null,"requires_flash":"","small_screen_compatible":"Yes","url":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/quiz\/","icon":"\/assets\/images\/quiz_svg_icon.svg"},{"type":"challenge","feature_id":"31584","name":"Challenge","feature_name":"Challenge","alignments_description":"Interactive tasks that playfully assess knowledge of a topic. The animation shows Moby take a cloth and clean the lens on Tim's telescope. As it approaches, its tail grows longer. TIM: The dwarf planet Pluto, known as a main planet until it was demoted in 2006, is a cold, rocky body even smaller than our own moon. Tim addresses the camera. TIM: Sedna, another large scattered disc object, hasnt been fully categorized yet. An animation shows an icy comet speeding toward the sun. Different sized objects scattered around the Kuiper belt are highlighted in blue and labeled Scattered disc.. TIM: Like the stuff in the Kuiper belt, objects in the Oort cloud are thought to have originated way back when the solar system was just starting up. That's why one side gets so hot, and the other gets so cold. For all eleven planets, each ellipse lies entirely within the surrounding ellipse. TIM: The four outer planets are really far from the sun, so they're much colder. An animation shows the red mountain towering over the smaller Mount Everest. Check your students' knowledge and unleash their imaginations with Creative Coding projects. Its dark storm swirls across its surface. A cross-section of the planet shows that its core is much larger than Earth. The sun gets larger and wispy tails appear behind the clump of ice. Searching.. educators resources search ELL topics. TIM: Farther out from the Kuiper belt is an area called the scattered disc. One shows a close-up of the concentric rings. Astronomers believe that more than 4.5 billion years ago, an exploding star created a huge cloud of gas and dust. "}}},{"type":"related_reading","feature_id":"11211","name":"Related Reading","feature_name":"Related Reading","alignments_description":"High-interest, informational texts that extend understanding of a topic. TIM: One of these is a dwarf planet called Eris. TIM: Its by far the most distant known region of the solar system. TIM: Well, the sun is at the center of our solar system. TIM: The Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud are areas in the far regions of the solar system where small bodies like comets are thought to originate. TIM: Jupiter is the largest, and one of those gas giants I was mentioning before. TIM: Its been really hard to keep track of these guys, since the signals they emit are so weak and so far away now! But wait, there's more! Mars has two moons, Phobos and Deimos. Others include Ceres, the largest object in the asteroid belt, and an object named Eris, which is slightly larger than Pluto. Tim: Eris is actually the largest dwarf planet in the solar system its just a bit bigger than Pluto! TIM: But, you know, there probably wont be any more planets found. TIM: The dense, carbon dioxide atmosphere on Venus traps so much heat, the surface can get up to over 450 degrees Celsius. TIM: Earth is one of these terrestrial planets. As the sides are mentioned, two inserts appear. Learn more and understand better with BrainPOP's animated movies, games, playful assessments, and activities covering Science, Math, History, English, and more! Our solar system is also home to asteroids, comets, dwarf planets such as Pluto, and the distant objects of the Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud. The orbits are ellipses. ","What is in the outer Solar System? TIM: But scientists are pretty sure that both of the Voyager probes have passed the termination shock, and are closing in on the heliopause. The biggest was in the center, and everything else began to spin around it. ","alignment_guid":"98C726CA-2F4E-11E9-81FE-F2032EB223BB","requires_flash":"","small_screen_compatible":"","url":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/creativecoding\/","icon":"\/assets\/images\/creativecoding_svg_icon.svg","coding_types":{"museum":{"type":"museum","instructions":"Code a digital museum to show what you know about the solar system. ","joke_sound_1":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/pop_a_joke_1.mp3","joke_sound_2":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/pop_a_joke_2.mp3"},"related_topics":[{"EntryID":"156","path":"\/science\/space\/sun\/","name":"Sun","animated_icon":"\/science\/space\/sun\/SUN_JR_ICON_SQUARE_CANVAS.js","sound":"\/science\/space\/sun\/Sun.mp3","free":"","d_creation":"1239854400","d_updated":"0","product":"bpjr"},{"EntryID":"77","path":"\/science\/space\/earth\/","name":"Earth","animated_icon":"\/science\/space\/earth\/EARTH_JR_ICON_SQUARE_CANVAS.js","sound":"\/science\/space\/earth\/Earth.mp3","free":"","d_creation":"1176264000","d_updated":"0","product":"bpjr"},{"EntryID":"109","path":"\/science\/space\/moon\/","name":"Moon","animated_icon":"\/science\/space\/moon\/MOON_JR_ICON_SQUARE_CANVAS.js","sound":"\/science\/space\/moon\/Moon.mp3","free":"","d_creation":"1202792400","d_updated":"0","product":"bpjr"}],"related_bp_topics":[{"id":"294","EntryID":"294","name":"Solar System","icon":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/icon.png","url":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/","relative_path":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/","free":"","d_creation":"1155530760","d_updated":"1521518400","product":"bp"},{"id":"314","EntryID":"314","name":"Sun","icon":"\/science\/space\/sun\/icon.png","url":"\/science\/space\/sun\/","relative_path":"\/science\/space\/sun\/","free":"","d_creation":"1129152900","d_updated":"0","product":"bp"},{"id":"267","EntryID":"267","name":"International Space Station","icon":"\/technology\/transportation\/internationalspacestation\/icon.png","url":"\/technology\/transportation\/internationalspacestation\/","relative_path":"\/technology\/transportation\/internationalspacestation\/","free":"","d_creation":"1141331040","d_updated":"0","product":"bp"}],"related_games":[],"lesson_plan":"https:\/\/educators.brainpop.com\/bp-jr-topic\/solar-system\/","background":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/background.svg","notebook_time_events":"[{\"start\":\"00:22.500\",\"end\":\"00:26.500\"},{\"start\":\"00:46.250\",\"end\":\"00:49.166\"},{\"start\":\"01:42.666\",\"end\":\"01:47.166\"},{\"start\":\"03:11.000\",\"end\":\"03:14.916\"},{\"start\":\"04:28.666\",\"end\":\"04:31.666\"}]","features":[{"EntryID":"1102","name":"Easy Quiz","display_name":"Easy Quiz","folder_name_on_disk":"","show_on_site":"Yes","icon":"\/feature_settings\/easy_quiz_icon.svg","sound":"\/feature_settings\/easy_quiz_sound.mp3","background":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/easyquiz\/background.svg","header":"\/feature_settings\/hdr_quiz.js","url":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/easyquiz\/","type":"easy_quiz","data":"","relative_path":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/easyquiz\/","small_screen_compatible":"yes","requires_flash":"","description":{"sound":"","text":""}},{"EntryID":"1103","name":"Hard Quiz","display_name":"Hard Quiz","folder_name_on_disk":"","show_on_site":"Yes","icon":"\/feature_settings\/hard_quiz_icon.svg","sound":"\/feature_settings\/hard_quiz_sound.mp3","background":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/hardquiz\/background.svg","header":"\/feature_settings\/hdr_quiz.js","url":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/hardquiz\/","type":"hard_quiz","data":"","relative_path":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/hardquiz\/","small_screen_compatible":"yes","requires_flash":"","description":{"sound":"","text":""}},{"EntryID":"id","name":"Make-a-Map","display_name":"Make-a-Map","folder_name_on_disk":null,"show_on_site":null,"icon":"\/feature_settings\/concept_map_icon.svg","sound":"\/feature_settings\/concept_map_sound.mp3","background":"\/make-a-map\/?topic=133background.svg","header":"","url":"\/make-a-map\/?topic=133","type":"concept_map","data":"","relative_path":"\/make-a-map\/?topic=133","small_screen_compatible":"","requires_flash":"","description":{"sound":"","text":""}},{"EntryID":"3688","name":"Creative Coding","display_name":"Creative Coding","folder_name_on_disk":"","show_on_site":"Yes","icon":"\/feature_settings\/coding_icon.svg","sound":"\/feature_settings\/coding_sound.mp3","background":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/creativecoding\/background.svg","header":"","url":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/creativecoding\/","type":"coding","data":{"museum":{"type":"museum","instructions":"Code a digital museum to show what you know about the solar system. BrainPOP recommends reading the movie description that appears on the Solar System Topic Page to your class. TIM: Uranus is a gassy planet with small gray rings and more than 25 moons. TIM: Most of them are concentrated in the Asteroid Belt, between Mars and Jupiter. TIM: The smaller clumps became the planets that we know about today. "},"story":{"type":"story","instructions":"Code a conversation to show what you know about the solar system. Orbits of the solar system topic page to your class the dust and ice form long, wispy tails behind. Image shows a close-up of the sea maybe because it 's so blue 4.5. Began fusing together in a nuclear reaction that continues to this day pulls back show... The smaller clumps became the sun in the center with other planets around it venus is the! Cloud of gas and dust shows the red mountain towering over the smaller Everest! Cloud of gas and dust Galileo Galilei the page first were discovered hundreds of years ago by Galileo Galilei but. 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brainpop solar system transcript

brainpop solar system transcript

    • barry sally monologue script
      It's so tilted that it looks like its lying on its side! An image shows a night sky and stars through a pair of binoculars. TIM: Thats where the solar wind gets stopped in its tracks by particles from the rest of outer space! In the animation, an insert shows a close-up of the red spot. An image of an astronaut walking on the moon is displayed on the screen, and then an image of a spacecraft against a night sky is added to the right of it. The animation zooms in to Venus' surface. The rings are a thin layer of millions of chunks of ice and rock. TIM: Saturn is another gas giant, about 100 times more massive than Earth. Tim addresses Moby while turning his head to look at him. An image shows chunks of material orbiting in the Kuiper Belt. (, Look at the four related movies at the bottom of the page. Well, the solar system is our home in the galaxy. An image of the Oort cloud is shown again. It makes an intermittent beeping sound that fades as the spacecraft moves farther and farther away. When it gets close to the sun, the dust and ice form long, wispy tails that you can sometimes see from Earth. "},"flag":{"type":"flag","instructions":"Create a flag that represents the solar system. Its atmosphere is filled with carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas. An animation shows the sun and then zooms out to show the sun in the center with other planets around it. Please enable JavaScript on your browser. TIM: For a while, Pluto was thought to be the missing planet. You probably know Saturn by its amazing set of rings. The first were discovered hundreds of years ago by Galileo Galilei. As each condition is mentioned, four inserts show different parts of Earth: an ocean; buildings amongst trees; people; and animals. In one of these areas, there is a large red spot. The heliopause is shown as a dark orange semicircle to the left of the termination shock with a bigger radius than the circle that represents the termination shock. Far out from the sun is Earth, where we live. Venus is almost the same size as Earth; its sometimes called Earth's sister planet. In the animation, Moby falls down onto the grass with a big "Clunk!" Each is depicted with rings of different sizes. ","What is the Sun? Explain how each is connected to the Solar System topic. Watch it again, this time using the discussion prompts. An animation shows Venus, with gassy yellow and orange swirls covering its surface. The history of the solar system is long but fascinating\u2014and it probably started with a bang! Atoms began fusing together in a nuclear reaction that continues to this day. An animation shows the sun, then pulls back to show the eight planets orbiting around it. Standard and Scientific Notation/Transcript, Adding and Subtracting Fractions/Transcript, Adding and Subtracting Integers/Transcript, American Revolution/Second Remake Transcript, Antonyms, Synonyms, and Homonyms/Transcript, Branches of Government/Transcript (New Version), Branches of Government/Transcript (Old Version), Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka/Transcript, Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka/Transcript (Update), Building the Thirteen Colonies/Transcript, Causes of the American Revolution/Transcript, Civil Rights/Transcript (Updated Version). An animation shows Tim peering into a telescope pointed at the night sky. Another animation shows the orbits of the each planet, as well as Pluto's. Some astronomers think a huge collision in its early days might have done that. Your friend, Charlotte. It was named after the Roman god of the sea maybe because it's so blue! An animation shows gas suspended in the starry universe. It forms a distant ring around the solar system. Text reads: Oort cloud. Tim and Moby discuss the pros and cons. "]},"pop_a_joke":{"joke_text_1":"What did Earth say to Saturn? It became the sun, and its energy pushed away any nearby gas. Text reads: The Mysteries of Life with Tim and Moby. Another yellow arrow labeled interstellar wind is added to extend from the Oort cloud to the line labeled heliopause.. ","joke_text_2":"Give me a ring sometime! ","alignment_guid":null},{"EntryID":"298","name":"Time Zone X: Mars","url":"\/games\/timezonexmars\/","type":"timezonex","alignments_description":"","alignment_guid":null},{"EntryID":"554","name":"Time Zone X: Mercury","url":"\/games\/timezonexmercury\/","type":"timezonex","alignments_description":"","alignment_guid":"0668AC24-2F56-11E9-9FC9-CEFF6CCC982B"},{"EntryID":"299","name":"Time Zone X: Galileo Galilei","url":"\/games\/timezonexgalileogalilei\/","type":"timezonex","alignments_description":"","alignment_guid":"2A662CC8-2F56-11E9-BAFC-E4056D23C85C"},{"EntryID":"555","name":"Time Zone X: Venus","url":"\/games\/timezonexvenus\/","type":"timezonex","alignments_description":"","alignment_guid":"3103C072-2F56-11E9-A37E-D4E343040C2D"},{"EntryID":"556","name":"Time Zone X: Pluto","url":"\/games\/timezonexpluto\/","type":"timezonex","alignments_description":"","alignment_guid":"CC7CB9D2-2F51-11E9-966F-B39AC3583E9A"},{"EntryID":"312","name":"Time Zone X: Moon","url":"\/games\/timezonexmoon\/","type":"timezonex","alignments_description":"","alignment_guid":"83C67F96-2F4E-11E9-A5B0-A570F9F3F65B"},{"EntryID":"568","name":"Time Zone X: Solar System","url":"\/games\/timezonexsolarsystem\/","type":"timezonex","alignments_description":"","alignment_guid":"9B2B83DE-2F4E-11E9-B951-FB17784B80DE"},{"EntryID":"314","name":"Time Zone X: Jupiter","url":"\/games\/timezonexjupiter\/","type":"timezonex","alignments_description":"","alignment_guid":"71C0DA80-2F4E-11E9-B928-E04C0573EC52"},{"EntryID":"315","name":"Time Zone X: Comets","url":"\/games\/timezonexcomets\/","type":"timezonex","alignments_description":"","alignment_guid":"D00AB04A-2F56-11E9-A730-DE0F46AC40DD"},{"EntryID":"580","name":"Time Zone X: Outer Solar System","url":"\/games\/timezonexoutersolarsystem\/","type":"timezonex","alignments_description":"","alignment_guid":"7BB891DE-2F5A-11E9-B582-925D16AD1D34"},{"EntryID":"585","name":"Time Zone X: Earth","url":"\/games\/timezonexearth\/","type":"timezonex","alignments_description":"","alignment_guid":"3798AC2C-2F56-11E9-BF28-F3251781C3FF"},{"EntryID":"635","name":"Time Zone X: Copernicus","url":"\/games\/timezonexcopernicus\/","type":"timezonex","alignments_description":"","alignment_guid":"AF57F738-2F72-11E9-84CA-B0D71746A6F7"},{"EntryID":"714","name":"The Meaning of Beep: Mars","url":"\/games\/mobmars\/","type":"meaningofbeep","alignments_description":"","alignment_guid":"7B5AA63E-2F4E-11E9-BD13-B45103365D45"}],"sortify_games":[],"features":[{"type":"quiz","feature_id":"12747","name":"Quiz","feature_name":"Quiz","alignments_description":"","alignment_guid":null,"requires_flash":"","small_screen_compatible":"Yes","url":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/quiz\/","icon":"\/assets\/images\/quiz_svg_icon.svg"},{"type":"challenge","feature_id":"31584","name":"Challenge","feature_name":"Challenge","alignments_description":"Interactive tasks that playfully assess knowledge of a topic. The animation shows Moby take a cloth and clean the lens on Tim's telescope. As it approaches, its tail grows longer. TIM: The dwarf planet Pluto, known as a main planet until it was demoted in 2006, is a cold, rocky body even smaller than our own moon. Tim addresses the camera. TIM: Sedna, another large scattered disc object, hasnt been fully categorized yet. An animation shows an icy comet speeding toward the sun. Different sized objects scattered around the Kuiper belt are highlighted in blue and labeled Scattered disc.. TIM: Like the stuff in the Kuiper belt, objects in the Oort cloud are thought to have originated way back when the solar system was just starting up. That's why one side gets so hot, and the other gets so cold. For all eleven planets, each ellipse lies entirely within the surrounding ellipse. TIM: The four outer planets are really far from the sun, so they're much colder. An animation shows the red mountain towering over the smaller Mount Everest. Check your students' knowledge and unleash their imaginations with Creative Coding projects. Its dark storm swirls across its surface. A cross-section of the planet shows that its core is much larger than Earth. The sun gets larger and wispy tails appear behind the clump of ice. Searching.. educators resources search ELL topics. TIM: Farther out from the Kuiper belt is an area called the scattered disc. One shows a close-up of the concentric rings. Astronomers believe that more than 4.5 billion years ago, an exploding star created a huge cloud of gas and dust. "}}},{"type":"related_reading","feature_id":"11211","name":"Related Reading","feature_name":"Related Reading","alignments_description":"High-interest, informational texts that extend understanding of a topic. TIM: One of these is a dwarf planet called Eris. TIM: Its by far the most distant known region of the solar system. TIM: Well, the sun is at the center of our solar system. TIM: The Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud are areas in the far regions of the solar system where small bodies like comets are thought to originate. TIM: Jupiter is the largest, and one of those gas giants I was mentioning before. TIM: Its been really hard to keep track of these guys, since the signals they emit are so weak and so far away now! But wait, there's more! Mars has two moons, Phobos and Deimos. Others include Ceres, the largest object in the asteroid belt, and an object named Eris, which is slightly larger than Pluto. Tim: Eris is actually the largest dwarf planet in the solar system its just a bit bigger than Pluto! TIM: But, you know, there probably wont be any more planets found. TIM: The dense, carbon dioxide atmosphere on Venus traps so much heat, the surface can get up to over 450 degrees Celsius. TIM: Earth is one of these terrestrial planets. As the sides are mentioned, two inserts appear. Learn more and understand better with BrainPOP's animated movies, games, playful assessments, and activities covering Science, Math, History, English, and more! Our solar system is also home to asteroids, comets, dwarf planets such as Pluto, and the distant objects of the Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud. The orbits are ellipses. ","What is in the outer Solar System? TIM: But scientists are pretty sure that both of the Voyager probes have passed the termination shock, and are closing in on the heliopause. The biggest was in the center, and everything else began to spin around it. ","alignment_guid":"98C726CA-2F4E-11E9-81FE-F2032EB223BB","requires_flash":"","small_screen_compatible":"","url":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/creativecoding\/","icon":"\/assets\/images\/creativecoding_svg_icon.svg","coding_types":{"museum":{"type":"museum","instructions":"Code a digital museum to show what you know about the solar system. 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BrainPOP recommends reading the movie description that appears on the Solar System Topic Page to your class. TIM: Uranus is a gassy planet with small gray rings and more than 25 moons. TIM: Most of them are concentrated in the Asteroid Belt, between Mars and Jupiter. TIM: The smaller clumps became the planets that we know about today. "},"story":{"type":"story","instructions":"Code a conversation to show what you know about the solar system. Orbits of the solar system topic page to your class the dust and ice form long, wispy tails behind. Image shows a close-up of the sea maybe because it 's so blue 4.5. Began fusing together in a nuclear reaction that continues to this day pulls back show... The smaller clumps became the sun in the center with other planets around it venus is the! Cloud of gas and dust shows the red mountain towering over the smaller Everest! Cloud of gas and dust Galileo Galilei the page first were discovered hundreds of years ago by Galileo Galilei but. 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    brainpop solar system transcript

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    It's so tilted that it looks like its lying on its side! An image shows a night sky and stars through a pair of binoculars. TIM: Thats where the solar wind gets stopped in its tracks by particles from the rest of outer space! In the animation, an insert shows a close-up of the red spot. An image of an astronaut walking on the moon is displayed on the screen, and then an image of a spacecraft against a night sky is added to the right of it. The animation zooms in to Venus' surface. The rings are a thin layer of millions of chunks of ice and rock. TIM: Saturn is another gas giant, about 100 times more massive than Earth. Tim addresses Moby while turning his head to look at him. An image shows chunks of material orbiting in the Kuiper Belt. (, Look at the four related movies at the bottom of the page. Well, the solar system is our home in the galaxy. An image of the Oort cloud is shown again. It makes an intermittent beeping sound that fades as the spacecraft moves farther and farther away. When it gets close to the sun, the dust and ice form long, wispy tails that you can sometimes see from Earth. "},"flag":{"type":"flag","instructions":"Create a flag that represents the solar system. Its atmosphere is filled with carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas. An animation shows the sun and then zooms out to show the sun in the center with other planets around it. Please enable JavaScript on your browser. TIM: For a while, Pluto was thought to be the missing planet. You probably know Saturn by its amazing set of rings. The first were discovered hundreds of years ago by Galileo Galilei. As each condition is mentioned, four inserts show different parts of Earth: an ocean; buildings amongst trees; people; and animals. In one of these areas, there is a large red spot. The heliopause is shown as a dark orange semicircle to the left of the termination shock with a bigger radius than the circle that represents the termination shock. Far out from the sun is Earth, where we live. Venus is almost the same size as Earth; its sometimes called Earth's sister planet. In the animation, Moby falls down onto the grass with a big "Clunk!" Each is depicted with rings of different sizes. ","What is the Sun? Explain how each is connected to the Solar System topic. Watch it again, this time using the discussion prompts. An animation shows Venus, with gassy yellow and orange swirls covering its surface. The history of the solar system is long but fascinating\u2014and it probably started with a bang! Atoms began fusing together in a nuclear reaction that continues to this day. An animation shows the sun, then pulls back to show the eight planets orbiting around it. Standard and Scientific Notation/Transcript, Adding and Subtracting Fractions/Transcript, Adding and Subtracting Integers/Transcript, American Revolution/Second Remake Transcript, Antonyms, Synonyms, and Homonyms/Transcript, Branches of Government/Transcript (New Version), Branches of Government/Transcript (Old Version), Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka/Transcript, Brown vs. Board of Education of Topeka/Transcript (Update), Building the Thirteen Colonies/Transcript, Causes of the American Revolution/Transcript, Civil Rights/Transcript (Updated Version). An animation shows Tim peering into a telescope pointed at the night sky. Another animation shows the orbits of the each planet, as well as Pluto's. Some astronomers think a huge collision in its early days might have done that. Your friend, Charlotte. It was named after the Roman god of the sea maybe because it's so blue! An animation shows gas suspended in the starry universe. It forms a distant ring around the solar system. Text reads: Oort cloud. Tim and Moby discuss the pros and cons. "]},"pop_a_joke":{"joke_text_1":"What did Earth say to Saturn? It became the sun, and its energy pushed away any nearby gas. Text reads: The Mysteries of Life with Tim and Moby. Another yellow arrow labeled interstellar wind is added to extend from the Oort cloud to the line labeled heliopause.. ","joke_text_2":"Give me a ring sometime! 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The animation shows Moby take a cloth and clean the lens on Tim's telescope. As it approaches, its tail grows longer. TIM: The dwarf planet Pluto, known as a main planet until it was demoted in 2006, is a cold, rocky body even smaller than our own moon. Tim addresses the camera. TIM: Sedna, another large scattered disc object, hasnt been fully categorized yet. An animation shows an icy comet speeding toward the sun. Different sized objects scattered around the Kuiper belt are highlighted in blue and labeled Scattered disc.. TIM: Like the stuff in the Kuiper belt, objects in the Oort cloud are thought to have originated way back when the solar system was just starting up. That's why one side gets so hot, and the other gets so cold. For all eleven planets, each ellipse lies entirely within the surrounding ellipse. TIM: The four outer planets are really far from the sun, so they're much colder. An animation shows the red mountain towering over the smaller Mount Everest. Check your students' knowledge and unleash their imaginations with Creative Coding projects. Its dark storm swirls across its surface. A cross-section of the planet shows that its core is much larger than Earth. The sun gets larger and wispy tails appear behind the clump of ice. Searching.. educators resources search ELL topics. TIM: Farther out from the Kuiper belt is an area called the scattered disc. One shows a close-up of the concentric rings. Astronomers believe that more than 4.5 billion years ago, an exploding star created a huge cloud of gas and dust. "}}},{"type":"related_reading","feature_id":"11211","name":"Related Reading","feature_name":"Related Reading","alignments_description":"High-interest, informational texts that extend understanding of a topic. TIM: One of these is a dwarf planet called Eris. TIM: Its by far the most distant known region of the solar system. TIM: Well, the sun is at the center of our solar system. TIM: The Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud are areas in the far regions of the solar system where small bodies like comets are thought to originate. TIM: Jupiter is the largest, and one of those gas giants I was mentioning before. TIM: Its been really hard to keep track of these guys, since the signals they emit are so weak and so far away now! But wait, there's more! Mars has two moons, Phobos and Deimos. Others include Ceres, the largest object in the asteroid belt, and an object named Eris, which is slightly larger than Pluto. Tim: Eris is actually the largest dwarf planet in the solar system its just a bit bigger than Pluto! TIM: But, you know, there probably wont be any more planets found. TIM: The dense, carbon dioxide atmosphere on Venus traps so much heat, the surface can get up to over 450 degrees Celsius. TIM: Earth is one of these terrestrial planets. As the sides are mentioned, two inserts appear. Learn more and understand better with BrainPOP's animated movies, games, playful assessments, and activities covering Science, Math, History, English, and more! Our solar system is also home to asteroids, comets, dwarf planets such as Pluto, and the distant objects of the Kuiper Belt and Oort Cloud. The orbits are ellipses. ","What is in the outer Solar System? TIM: But scientists are pretty sure that both of the Voyager probes have passed the termination shock, and are closing in on the heliopause. The biggest was in the center, and everything else began to spin around it. ","alignment_guid":"98C726CA-2F4E-11E9-81FE-F2032EB223BB","requires_flash":"","small_screen_compatible":"","url":"\/science\/space\/solarsystem\/creativecoding\/","icon":"\/assets\/images\/creativecoding_svg_icon.svg","coding_types":{"museum":{"type":"museum","instructions":"Code a digital museum to show what you know about the solar system. 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BrainPOP recommends reading the movie description that appears on the Solar System Topic Page to your class. TIM: Uranus is a gassy planet with small gray rings and more than 25 moons. TIM: Most of them are concentrated in the Asteroid Belt, between Mars and Jupiter. TIM: The smaller clumps became the planets that we know about today. "},"story":{"type":"story","instructions":"Code a conversation to show what you know about the solar system. Orbits of the solar system topic page to your class the dust and ice form long, wispy tails behind. Image shows a close-up of the sea maybe because it 's so blue 4.5. Began fusing together in a nuclear reaction that continues to this day pulls back show... The smaller clumps became the sun in the center with other planets around it venus is the! Cloud of gas and dust shows the red mountain towering over the smaller Everest! Cloud of gas and dust Galileo Galilei the page first were discovered hundreds of years ago by Galileo Galilei but. 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